In this instance the seventh note in the key of "G" is F sharp. Consequently the G Major seventh chord would be spell: G,B,D,F#.
You can hear another example of "color" tones by listening to "Lyin' Eyes" by the Eagles. The first chord is "G", listen closely and you will hear a slight change in the texture of the "G" chord. The second chord is a "G" major seventh, which is a basic chord of G major with an added seventh note.
When you are learning guitar online pay close attention to how the original recordings by the Eagles "sound". If you can hear different sounds other than the basic chords, experiment with
some of these ideas you will be surprised how easy it is to play the Eagles songs.
3. Listen for "color tones". Color tones are notes that are added to the basic chord to give the chord a different flavor. Listen to "Tequila Sunrise" by the Eagles and you will hear the basic "G" chord change slightly to a "G6" chord. The "G6" is simply a "G" chord with an added sixth note.
Learn Guitar Online, Eagles - 3 Tips To Pick Like The Pro's
Learning the guitar online can be fun however, it does have some frustrating moments. For example, let's say you have decided to learn the song "Hotel California" by the Eagles. In theory this should be pretty straight forward. Simply type in the title "Hotel California" into your favorite guitar TAB site and away we go.
When a guitarist wants to use two "drone notes" the strongest choices are the first and fifth notes of the key you are playing in.
Try the "Em" chord shape with the capo on the seventh fret, immediately you will recognize this sound and identify this chord as the opening chord for Hotel California.
Let's take a look at Hotel California to help you get a feel for the Eagles style of guitar playing.
The basic concept is to select certain notes, usually the first note in the scale/key e.g., key of G, note one is G, key of E note one is E.
1. Use a capo instead of playing barre chords. It's common for the Eagles songs to be presented using barre chords. This is incorrect, the Eagles use a capo instead of playing bar chords.
These chords are "special chords" because they do not fit into any one category - many of them are one-of-a-kind chords having a unique sound which is all their own.
When the capo is on the seventh fret while the guitarist plays an "Em" shape the resulting sound to the listener will be "Bm", all the notes will be the same as the barre chord version on this chord. Both chord shapes will contain the notes B,D,F#. however the "Em" chord shape with the capo on the seventh fret will sound much more alive and crisp.
If you have a version of this song look at the first chord if it is "Bm" played as a barre on the second fret, move on to the next version of this song.
In a perfect world that's all you would have to do ... but, what happens when you type in "Hotel California". Instantly you are presented with 50 versions of this song ... where do we begin?
2. Play common note chords (also know as drone note or drone string chords).
Here's three simple tips to help you get that great acoustic guitar sound so popular at parties and at jam sessions.
Even though "Bm" is the correct first chord for Hotel California, the Eagles play this chord by fingering an "Em" shape and having the capo placed on the seventh fret.
The straight chord contains the notes G, B, D. Whilst the G6 chord contains the following notes: G,B, D and E. Notice the only difference between these two chords is the added "E" note, which is the sixth note in a G major scale.