The season of holidays is fast approaching. Halloween is almost around the corner. Then, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year festivities are not far behind. People generally throw parties according to family tradition. Some may have a potluck, buffet affair. The guests bring their personal favorites, and everyone shares a conglomeration of yummy dishes. Others have more formal gatherings and pull out the best china. But, costume parties are a good choice, when it comes to indulging in a little fantasy or throwing a theme masquerade.
For example, consider the fun of throwing a party with a theme of another country. For instance, what do most people imagine, when asked how they envision a party in Asia? I am fairly certain a Geisha girl would come to mind. Kimonos are absolutely gorgeous. Although I do not understand how these beautiful ladies accomplish the task, but a chopsticks adorned hairstyle is definitely intriguing.
Another great idea is period costumes. For example, what is one of the most colorful and unique periods in recent American history? Think Woodstock. Of course, most people will think of hippies and free love in the sixties. Even for the next generation can enjoy a conversation about going retro. The wild attire and Go-Go boots are great. Most cannot fathom parents being kids during that time.
Alternatively, a blast to the distant past may be a different theme to explore. Although it is hard to imagine, the Renaissance really did occur, and a time did exist when citizens are basically poor or rich, nobility or peasant. But, even though the times are probably something not to be seriously revisited, the attire is definitely interesting and fun.
Sometimes, great themes for costume parties are influenced by real life. For example, many people have a loved one who is, has, or will be serving in the military. Stickers and banners are everywhere, encouraging the communities to keep these loyal Americans in thought and prayer. So, why not throw a support our troops party. Pick any branch of the service, and it is easy to find a great selection of costumes. In fact, camouflage costumes always available to support all servicepersons.
So, enjoy the holidays. Plan a party of two. Establish a theme, and go to a party in style, decked out in a great costume from a different time or place, or in support of those who have no time to party. Instead, they are protecting our freedom to have a good time and celebrate the holidays. Enjoy the upcoming seasons of celebration.
Tina Matsunaga is an Expert Author with EzineArticles.com. A freelance writer working from home and raising two children, she has a degree in English/secondary education from Regis University. She writes for professionals, work-at-home parents, and Internet marketers. She loves to read almost as much as she loves writing.
For more information about a great selection of costumes for a theme party, go to http://www.desire4mo.com/costumes