Monday, November 17, 2008
Jesus Adult Plus Adult Halloween Costume (Adult Plus)

Devil's Temptress Elite Collection Adult Costume
Cute Infant Baby Monkey Halloween Costume, 12-18 Months

I ordered this for a friend who specifically chose it because it appeared that the tail curled up. It did not. It was just fabric and hung straight. Quality of the costume was not so great over all. It was returned. Beware all the fine print about restocking fees!
Customer Review: Great Costume
Received right on time. Great quality, and condition. The footies were a little too small to fit over shoes.
Men's Drag Queen Play Boy Bunny Halloween Costume

At the center of the Christmas season is spending time with family. Making lasting memories with your family is at the top of every to-do list during the holiday season. There are many festive activities to bring into your family life so Christmas is more memorable and fun for everyone. Traditional activities and out of the box ideas make the holidays super-special.
Christmas Memories and Traditions
Take a few minutes to remember your own childhood and how you spent the Christmas season at home. Do certain memories stand out as special in your mind? These are probably the Christmas traditions your own parents created for the family. Now it's time to create memorable Christmas traditions in your own home. Make gingerbread houses together. Decorate holiday cookies. Are you short on time but still recall the delicious smell in your mom's kitchen at Christmas time? Simmer potpourri to create a warm aroma in your home even if you don't have time to bake very often.
Christmas Fun In The Kitchen
Maybe baking just isn't your thing. There are still plenty of fun Christmas activities to do in the kitchen. You can make all kinds of gift items in the kitchen without baking. Make chocolate covered pretzel sticks and chocolates. Pair the chocolate treats with homemade hot cocoa mix to give as Christmas gifts.
Christmas Music
Include music in your family holiday traditions. Have fun with your family singing Christmas carols and making your own CD for the holidays. Use the recording of your family singing carols as holiday music every year while you decorate and enjoy Christmas festivities. Get really crafty and dress up the CD cases to look attractive so you can give them as gifts.
Cutting Down The Christmas Tree
A timeless tradition for many families is cutting down the Christmas tree. This activity adds a lot to the Christmas season at home. You can find Christmas tree farms just about everywhere. Ask a local grower's group for tree farm locations near you. The family shows up at the farm where mom or dad grab a saw to cut down the family Christmas tree. Everyone hunts for the perfect tree so mom or dad can cut it down and bring it home. Some farms are large and some are small. You may only need to walk a short distance to find the perfect tree or you may wind up hiking up and down hills before the right tree turns up.
More Than A Christmas Tree
Add dimension and fun to the Christmas tree cutting activity. Include additional family traditions in the day, such as lunch at a special place every year. You can also get Christmas candy to eat in the car on the way home with your tree. Another tradition can be shopping together for new ornaments after you bring the tree home and put it in a bucket of water.
Community Christmas Fun
Traditions are also created when you participate in annual community events. Does your town decorate a Christmas tree every year? Does your neighborhood have a block where all the homes are decorated with hundreds of holiday lights? Drive or walk to local Christmas festivities and make them part of your family traditions every year. Try to walk if the weather permits so you have more time to observe the detailed holiday decorations together.
Christmas Cocoa
For kids and adults alike, hot cocoa is an essential part of the holiday season. Start a family tradition of making hot cocoa mix at the beginning of the season. The children can each have a small cup of cocoa every night before bed during the month of December. As Christmas Day gets closer, add special goodies to the hot cocoa such as whipped cream and mini-marshmallows. Leave a cup of homemade hot cocoa for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.
Christmas In Every Room
As your children get older, they enjoy decorating their rooms for Christmas. Add holiday cheer to every room when you encourage your children to decorate their own space. Let them do all the decorating themselves then take photos of them in their finished rooms. Look at the photos every year to see how the Christmas decorations in their rooms have progressed.
One last thing -- Imagine the look on your child's face if they received a personalized letter from Santa Claus in the North Pole. You can also include extra goodies with the Santa letter like Reindeer food. It's a gift that makes a strong and lasting impression.
More information can be found here:
Adult Beaver Halloween Costume

According to Christian religious belief, three days after Jesus Christ was crucified, he was resurrected. Easter (which is also known as "Resurrection Day" or "Pasha") is the Christian holiday and festival, perhaps the most important feast of the Christian liturgical year, which marks these events. The word "Easter" is used both to refer to the specific holy day and to the season of the church year which includes Easter day itself.
The date of Easter does vary each year, and the calculation of its date has been an issue of some controversy among Christians, at various times in history. The reason that the date moves is that Easter is linked to the Jewish Passover - the Last Supper is generally regarded as having been a Passover meal - and of course date of Passover is determined using the Jewish lunar calendar. The usual formula that is used to calculate the date of Easter has been described as placing Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the vernal equinbox - but even this is a simplification. Furthermore, since Eastern and Western Christian use different calendars (Julian and Gregorian respectively), even today there is no universal agreement on the date of Easter.
Although Easter has its roots in Christianity, today it is also a secular celebration. Most Western countries provide public holidays around Easter, and these holidays provide a excellent opportunity to spend times with friends and family. Children of course enjoy Easter eggs at this time, as well as chocolate, candies and sweets of all times. The holiday also provides the opportunity for Christian children to learn more about their faith, and for children of all faiths (and no faith) to learn about the history of Easter.
An activity that you may wish to consider for the occasion is Easter bingo. Bingo is in general suitable for marking most holidays (not just Easter), because the game is easy to learn, a lot of fun and is open to people of all ages to play. Some older people can of course enjoy the game as just a bit of fun - but kids can actually learn quite a bit while playing.
In order to play you will need some bingo cards printed with words or phrases relating to Easter instead of the traditional numbered bingo cards. In the old days, you would probably have had to send off to a specialist publisher to get these custom bingo cards - but today it's much easier and cheaper - you can simply print bingo cards from your computer. With suitable bingo card maker software, you can easily print as many bingo cards as you wish, on any topic or theme.
By S. Tanna. To create your own custom bingo cards, go to http://www.bingocardprinter.com/
Fairy Infant Halloween Costume (Infant)

If you are going on a cruise as part of your summer vacation then it is no doubt a really exciting time for you. It is a once in a lifetime experience and you get to visit many holiday locations on the way. However, there is one thing that many people forget to take into account when it comes to cruises and that is their health.
Protecting Your Health on the Ship
Whilst you may not have thought about it already, it is vital that you look after your health on the cruise ship. This is because not all ships have a doctor on board. So if something was to happen and you did not have the right first aid, you could end up in a spot of trouble.
One reason why a cruise ship may not always be so healthy is because there are hundreds of people on board. The corridors can be quite narrow and so people are often packed into small spaces. This means that your health is constantly under threat. If one person had a cold on the ship then it is entirely possible that they could pass it on to a large number of people around them if they are not overly careful.
In order to protect your health on board the ship there are a number of things that you should do. Firstly you should have your own health checked before you get on board the ship. You need to know that you are healthy and safe to travel and your doctor will also be able to tell you what precautions they recommend that you take. You may have to have some vaccinations depending upon where you are going too so a trip to the doctor is definitely advised.
If you are currently taking any medications then obviously you are going to need enough for the length of the cruise. This may mean that you have to ask your doctor for a larger supply if needed. If you ran out of medication then your health would obviously be at stake and so you should always ensure that you have enough to last you.
Generally cruise ships are quite relaxing and you may find that you just want to lay back and relax and kick off your shoes. However before you do that you should keep in mind that germs are quickly spread on a cruise ship and how many people have also walked around without any shoes on? So ideally you should never take your shoes off and wander around. This is true if you're sailing from Alaska or costa blanca.
Overall excursions on cruise ships can be fun but you should always be aware of your health whilst you are there. All cruise ship vacations should be relaxing though so don't worry yourself too much about it!
Being especially interested in where is the costa blanca?, Greg Hansward published different articles in the area. With his publications on costa blanca tourist knowledge and costa blanca attractions the reviewer expressed his depth of understanding in the field.
Fruity Licious Pumpkin Spice Adult

Customer Review: If you're an adult, please don't bother.
This costume runs way to short, literally, it fits more like a hideous shirt than a dress, and the wig is way too small. It looks cute in the image, but in reality, not so much.
People know that the American Independence on the Fourth of July was brought about by an intricate piece of paperwork named the declaration. Yet, it is not just some piece of ordinary paper like a typical school essay for that matter. Rather it is an emblem that represents the country's firm commitment to its views on freedom and liberation. It showed that certain people stood up proud and strong claiming what they believe was right.
As a symbol, it serves as a representation of something a lot bigger. The signatories of the declaration wanted to have a document that will elaborate to all American citizens the much needed values and ideals that the country needs. They wanted everyone to know that this declaration was a result of the cumulative efforts of a certain number of dedicated and brave individuals. This was a summary and at the same time an emblem of all ideas that the people back in 1776 had fought so hard that they even placed their lives for the sake of the country. It was an unbelievable and almost impossible task to make something like this during their time because it was an act of rebellion and is a ground for treason by the leaders of the British Monarchy. It was actually a crime to take part in the signing and it was plainly shear courage and motivation that kept them moving. Thus, every time you look at the Fourth of July Declaration of Independence, you should first imagine all the hardships and all the sweat and blood that made the making of this document possible. Both the leaders and the people are expected to see this "paper" as a sign of the objectives and as a testimony of the responsibility that each citizen has to achieve the goals that are needed to be addressed up to this day.
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Clone Trooper Leader Rex Child Costume

Customer Review: Helmet is a nose-smasher
The costume is cute but the product photo is misleading and the helmet just doesn't work at all. The eye slot is too high relative to the nose air holes, but worst of all, the helmet is flat-fronted so the poor kid's nose has to be smashed the whole time! It probably could be jerry-rigged to work if you put pads at the place where the kids cheeks are so as to push out the helmet, but since the eye slot is too high anyway, it's not worth it. In order to see, the helmet has to be pushed down, so the kid's hair is clearly seen, which was not what the photo leads you to imagine. Finally, size 8-10 is right for a 7-8-year-old.
Kids look forward to holidays and Easter is always a kid favorite. The Easter bunny, chocolates, an Easter egg hunt, and coloring eggs are all fun activities children anticipate well in advance. If you are interested in planning an Easter party for kids you can do so with minimal effort and for a low cost if you are well organized and planned. The following tips will help you plan an outstanding Easter party for kids that will be enjoyed by kids and adults.
First, you need to decide what you want to do. An Easter egg hunt is a definite, but you need to make some decisions about this. Will you be inviting children of a similar age or will there be a wide age range? The reason this is important is because you want everyone to have a chance to find some eggs. If there are lots of big kids and little kids all mixed together then the little kids won't find any eggs, or not many, and then they will feel sad and won't enjoy the party. So, if you have kids that are close in age at the party then one Easter egg hunt will suffice. But, if you are going to have a wide range of ages then you will need to plan an Easter egg hunt for both groups.
Another thing to keep in mind is where you will have the hunt and what will you place in the eggs. Chocolates, especially dark chocolates, are great suggestions to place inside the plastic eggs. Money, jelly beans, and even small toys are also great suggestions. Some people like to use real boiled eggs for their Easter egg hunt. This is completely up to you and what is easiest should be chosen.
If you do decide to use real eggs then you might want to have an egg coloring contest before. That way the kids could really enjoy decorating the eggs and once decorated they could be hidden for the Easter egg hunt. That would be a lot of fun for the kids to hunt for the eggs they already decorated!
Beyond including an Easter egg hunt and possibly an egg coloring contest you should have refreshments. It is really easy to make a cake that looks like a bunny, or if you aren't that creative you could just buy one already made. A bunny cake is the centerpiece and then you could just offer chips, Easter candy and some punch or other drinks.
Remember as well that if you invite many children to the event you will need chaperones, especially if you are having an egg hunt and kids are roaming around. Ask a couple of parents to stay or invite kids with their parents so everyone can enjoy the party and you don't have the responsibility of that many kids on your hands.
Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. Kids look forward to holidays and Easter is always a kid favorite. The Easter bunny, chocolates, an Easter egg hunt, and coloring eggs are all fun activities children anticipate well in advance. If you are interested in planning an Easter party for kids you can do so with minimal effort and for a low cost if you are well organized and planned. The following tips will help you plan an outstanding Easter party for kids that will be enjoyed by kids and adults.