Customer Review: If you're an adult, please don't bother.
This costume runs way to short, literally, it fits more like a hideous shirt than a dress, and the wig is way too small. It looks cute in the image, but in reality, not so much.
People know that the American Independence on the Fourth of July was brought about by an intricate piece of paperwork named the declaration. Yet, it is not just some piece of ordinary paper like a typical school essay for that matter. Rather it is an emblem that represents the country's firm commitment to its views on freedom and liberation. It showed that certain people stood up proud and strong claiming what they believe was right.
As a symbol, it serves as a representation of something a lot bigger. The signatories of the declaration wanted to have a document that will elaborate to all American citizens the much needed values and ideals that the country needs. They wanted everyone to know that this declaration was a result of the cumulative efforts of a certain number of dedicated and brave individuals. This was a summary and at the same time an emblem of all ideas that the people back in 1776 had fought so hard that they even placed their lives for the sake of the country. It was an unbelievable and almost impossible task to make something like this during their time because it was an act of rebellion and is a ground for treason by the leaders of the British Monarchy. It was actually a crime to take part in the signing and it was plainly shear courage and motivation that kept them moving. Thus, every time you look at the Fourth of July Declaration of Independence, you should first imagine all the hardships and all the sweat and blood that made the making of this document possible. Both the leaders and the people are expected to see this "paper" as a sign of the objectives and as a testimony of the responsibility that each citizen has to achieve the goals that are needed to be addressed up to this day.
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