Christmas is an ideal holiday to get the family together for some "us" time. In today's busy world it is sometimes difficult to spend quality time with family. Rekindle the meaning of family with simple activities the whole family will enjoy and look forward to year after year. If possible do an activity every evening or a few a week to build anticipation for the coming holiday season.
1. View Christmas light displays in your city then hang Christmas lights indoors and outdoors.
2. Light the fireplace, drink eggnog or cocoa, eat popcorn and read holiday stories out loud. Take turns reading.
3. Make an Advent calendar or wreath and decorate it together.
4. Play cards or board games together. Share apple cider or other snacks.
5. Have a picnic indoors-cook food on a regular stove or grill food outside and then set up a place in your home to enjoy. The fireplace or family room works great.
6. Bake cookies together. Decorate and enjoy them while they are still warm. Gingerbread cookies are always a hit.
7. Deliver meals or baked goods to the elderly or incapacitated in your neighborhood.
8. Visit a giving tree together. Choose a gift and assign everyone a part in buying, wrapping, choosing or delivering the gift. Deliver the gift together as a family.
9. Sign and address Christmas cards together.
10. Wrap presents together. Make your own wrapping paper and bows if you'd like.
11. Visit a tree farm and find and buy a live Christmas tree together then decorate it.
12. Be a Secret Santa and do a family gift exchange. Draw names and give the recipient a small, inexpensive gift a few times before the big day. The dollar store works great for this. Reveal who you are on Christmas day.
13. Make fudge and then gift wrap some for family, friends or co-workers.
14. Color pictures together for a coloring contest.
15. Write a story or poem about a time you all shared together.
16. Create a Christmas scrapbook together of past holiday celebrations.
17. Play pin the tail on Rudolph. Draw a rough sketch color it in and make a tail out of yarn.
18. Donate non-perishable food, toys or clothes to a shelter.
19. Have a movie night. Watch classics like Charlie Brown Christmas and Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. Or relive recorded family memories.
20. Go Christmas caroling or stay in and sing together. See if your neighbors and friends want to join in the fun.
21. Learn about Santa Claus. Find out the traditions and names Santa goes by in other countries.
22. Make custom gift tags for your friends and family.
23. Make and decorate your own Christmas stockings.
24. Make reindeer food and sprinkle it outside to guide Santa's sleigh.
25. Play in the snow. Make snow angels or snowmen and then have a warm cup of cocoa and write to Santa Claus.
About The Author
Yvonne Thompson owns and operates Assistance For You, a Virtual Assistant Support Service and the popular Letters From Santa web site, which creates holiday joy by mailing personalized Santa Letters to children. For more information or to order a personalized Santa Letter just visit ourwebsite at sendasantaletter.com.
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