Got a lot of compliments trick-or-treating with my daughter. Lots of people said they wished they had it for a costume party!
A holiday can be termed as time spent away from home or business, in travel or amusement. It can also mean a day, reserved by a country or culture, usually for celebration or for some other type of special observance or activity. Holidays can be special religious days. It can also be a special day on which schools and/or offices are closed, like Labor Day on the 1st Monday of May. World holidays are those that are celebrated worldwide.
It is possible to find information about almost all worldwide holidays on Internet. Several websites provide holiday listings and other related information. World holidays are generally categorized by country, date, and religion, or there may be long-term ceremonies that span a week or more.
Christians world over celebrate a number of holidays including Christmas Day on 25th of December, All Saint's Day on 1st of November, All Soul's Day, St. Andrew's Day on 30th of November, Trinity Sunday, and Good Friday. Some other holidays are Ash Wednesday, St. David's Day, St. Patrick's Day on 17th of March, Palm Sunday, and Good Friday.
Birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated as a joyous occasion at Christmas time. Gifts are exchanged among friends and family members during Christmas. Appearance of Santa Claus bearing gifts is looked forward to by children. It is a time for the whole family to get together and spend time with each other at least once a year.
Some other international holidays are New Year's Day on 1st of January, Johnny Appleseed Day, anniversary of the death of John Chapman on 11th of March, Black Press Day, Lady Day or The Feast of The Annunciation, and Pesach - First Day of Passover. Also, there are other holidays such as Festival of Freedom on the 24th of April, Law Day on the 1st of May, May Day on the 1st of May, Queen's Birthday on the 11th of June, Flag Day on the14th of June, United Nations Day on the 24th of October, Human Rights Day on the 10th of December, Boxing Day on the 26th of December, and St. Stephen's Day on the 26th of December.
Holidays provides detailed information on Holidays, Jewish Holidays, Mexican Holidays, Federal Holidays and more. Holidays is affiliated with Valentine's Day Gifts.
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