Halloween - a strange holiday; someone, lacking the essential ghastly spirit might believe. Nowadays, Halloween is a night when ghouls, witches, and goblins and many other creatures both big and small roam the face of the earth. Creatures in search of treats and good devilish fun. It seems the thirty-first day of October has a much different meaning today than it did back in the time of the Romans and Celts. Centuries ago; Halloween was a time when worshipping various gods and the spirit of the dead were commonplace. It was believed that on October 31st condemned souls, who were forced into the bodies of animals, would roam the world looking to potentially hurt people and destroy their crops. The Celts also believed that this was a time when the line between the living and the dead became distorted. A time when the spirits of the dearly departed came back for a ghostly visit. And so on November 1st, the day known as the beginning of the new harvest, prayers were offered for all souls who had departed or were waiting in Purgatory and in dire need of prayer. Traditionally, bonfires were lit and the Celts dressed in animal skins and animal heads, as they offered up animal offerings and crops, in the hopes of protection.
Today, in the twenty first century, we live in a different ambiance than the Romans and Celts did and tradition has changed somewhat Although some traditions have been handed down: like costume dressing and lighting bonfires, the fear of the rising of the dead is not the threat it once was; thank goodness. However a good spooky story, or unexplained event, or possible haunting is always a welcomed tale to be shared on or around October 31st. Naturally, the spookier the tale and the creepier the feeling, the more welcomed it is on Halloween.
As the autumn season approaches, on any given street in America pumpkins line the pavement; as well as, spooky Halloween lawn and window decorations. Creative parents love this holiday and it is shown in the unique design of their childrens costumes. Apple dunking is a game that children love during this time of year. Apples are placed in a large pail filled with water and the children have to dunk for apples with their hands tied behind their backs. While trick-or-treaters travel door to door in search of little treats and are well received by the enthusiastic treat givers. There are Halloween parades and Square Dances and Bonfires, oh my. Adult Halloween Parties are all the rage and more common now then ever. So if you find yourself invited to a Halloween party, remember it's tradition to dress in costume.
If you need invitations or Halloween party supplies, check out http://www.Myheartspoken.com
Check out http://www.myheartspoken.com/halloween.html for Halloween Invitations for Happy Halloween Parties.
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